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※Please scroll down for the English version.

Behavioral Targeting Advertisements

株式会社宣伝会議(以下「当社」といいます)では、当社が収集する広告配信用の識別子(Cookie、Identification For Advertisers(以下「IDFA」)、Google advertising ID)をもとに、お客様に有益な広告を表示する行動ターゲティング広告を配信しています。



Sendenkaigi Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") delivers Behavioral Targeting Advertisements that display useful advertising content to its customers based on identifiers for advertisement delivery (i.e., cookies, Identification For Advertisers [hereinafter referred to as "IDFA"], and the Google Advertising ID) collected by the Company.

The Company shall use the identifier information for identification within the scope described below.

Data Policy for Internet Advertising

Method of delivery suspension (opt-out)


If you do not wish to receive the Company's Behavioral Targeting Advertisements, you may terminate their delivery by any of the following methods.

Advertisement delivery on websites



If you do not wish to receive advertisements using cookies, click the "Opt Out of Advertisement Delivery Cookies" button below. Doing so allows you to stop the delivery of advertisements using cookies from the Company.

Your current ad delivery status

現在、Sendenkaigi Ad Platformの広告配信は

※iOS をご利用の場合は「有効」と表示される場合がありますが、Cookie を利用した広告配信はされません。


*If you are using iOS, your setting may be displayed as "Valid"; however, you will not receive advertisements using cookies.
If you use a different browser from the one on which you applied the opt-out, replace your computer terminal, reinstall your OS, or take other such action, you must re-do the opt-out.

アプリ内の広告配信について(IDFA、Google Advertising IDの場合)
Advertisement delivery within apps (in the case of IDFA and Google Advertising ID)

【iOS アプリ (iOS 6.0 以降)】

広告識別子「Identification For Advertisers(以下「IDFA(※)」)」を利用しております。「IDFA」を利用した広告を制限したい場合は、Apple Inc. のサポートページをご参照ください。

App Store や Apple News で興味関心に基づく広告の配信を希望しない場合

【Android アプリ】

広告を目的とした広告ID「Google advertising ID(※)」を利用しております。「Google advertising ID」を利用した広告を制限したい場合は、Google Play のヘルプページをご参照ください。

Google Play>ヘルプ>広告 ID

※IDFA、Google Advertising IDとは、モバイルアプリケーションなどのCookieが保存されない環境において、各モバイル端末等に発行される広告配信用の識別子です。IDFAは、iOSに発行される広告用のID、Google Advertising IDとは、Android OSに発行される広告用のIDとなります。

【iOS app (iOS 6.0 or later)】
The Company uses the identifier "Identification For Advertisers" (hereinafter referred to as "IDFA"*). Visit Apple Inc.'s support page to restrict advertising using IDFA.
If you do not wish to receive interest-based advertising in App Store or Apple News

【Android app】
The Company uses the advertising ID "Google Advertising ID"* for the purpose of advertising. Refer to the Google Play help page if you wish to restrict advertising using "Google Advertising ID".

Google Play > Help > Ad ID

*IDFA and Google Advertising ID are identifiers for advertisement delivery issued to each mobile device, etc., in an environment where cookies are not stored, such as mobile apps. IDFA is an ID for advertisement issued to iOS, and Google Advertising ID is an ID for advertisement issued to Android OS.



Inquiries regarding the Company's opt-out policy are accepted through the Contact Information page.
